• Personally, I feel like I haven’t been affected much by everything that’s been happening.
    • The online period has been the most productive time of my life, I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress.
    • It’s also been easier to participate in things through Zoom.
    • However, it’s hard to say if there were any missed opportunities since I can’t really know what I didn’t realize.
  • There have been some minor losses though.
    • It’s a bit of a shame that I didn’t get to go to Tokyo, but it’s not a big deal since I didn’t go there frequently anyway.
    • It feels like a significant loss that there won’t be a dinner after the progress report for the Untrodden project.

Do people have the correct Concept Model about the Coronavirus?

  • Do they have an idea of how prevalent it is and how easily it spreads?

  • Do they have an image of it being like dust?

    • That it sticks to your hands when you touch it and falls off when you wash them.
  • However, regular people don’t really know the accurate behavior.

    • By spreading a simplified and accurate concept model, can we prevent infections?
  • University of Tokyo Coronavirus e-learning materials

    • https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ja/general/COVID-19-elearning.html
    • There are DNA viruses and RNA viruses.
      • Actually, what is a virus? (blu3mo)
      • I can only think of it as a Bacteriophage.
        • Is it classified based on whether it injects DNA or RNA?
        • I don’t know.
    • There are currently seven types of Coronaviruses, with four of them causing regular colds.
      • The remaining three are SARS, MERS, and SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus).
        • COVID-19 refers to the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.
    • How does the novel coronavirus work?
      • It binds to cells in the lungs and replicates inside them.
      • It replicates in the throat and lungs.
        • Is this what makes it troublesome? (blu3mo)
        • If it replicated in an irrelevant place, it wouldn’t be a problem, but since it’s in the lungs, it’s troublesome, right?
      • However, it seems that the symptoms are not limited to the lungs.
        • Really? (blu3mo)
        • There are abnormalities in taste, blood, and skin, among others.
    • How does it spread?
      • I want to know. (blu3mo)
      • Through droplet transmission and contact transmission.
        • Contact transmission is as I imagined.
        • Droplet transmission is when larger particles (5-10μm) are expelled through sneezing, for example, and you inhale them.
          • They can travel about 1-2 meters.
            • So, in other words, if someone sneezes 5 meters away, it’s not a big problem, right?
            • Is the basis for social distancing the distance these droplets can reach?
              • Good to know. (blu3mo)
        • In the case of smaller particles (aerosols), they can travel further (float in the air), but it seems that infections through this route are less common.
    • Preventive measures
      • Handwashing/Alcohol
        • Be careful not to forget to wash your thumbs.
          • That’s true. (blu3mo)