Voting Log

  • Election

  • I barely had the right to vote,

  • but it was the first time I took an interest in a national election.

  • During the election period, I didn’t think much about the topics I wrote about in Politics.

    • Even though I ended up writing about the election-related events, it doesn’t mean I lacked any ideology.
    • It seems I was also immersed in the world view and festive atmosphere of the election.

(Keeping a log to track the evolution of my thoughts)

  • If I had the right to vote, this is how I would have voted:
    • Proportional Representation: National Democratic Party
      • Their policies seemed to align the most with my own beliefs.
        • They ranked the highest on a matching quiz I took.
        • Upon further investigation, I found that their policies resonated with me.
      • I also liked the policy-based style of the party.
      • (Voted for them)
    • Single-member District: Uncertain
      • Honestly, neither candidate felt like a good fit for me.
      • It was a toss-up.
      • When I actually tried to make a choice, I felt the harsh reality of limited options.
      • Party-wise, I was leaning towards the Constitutional Democratic Party over the Liberal Democratic Party.
        • However, after visiting the website of the Constitutional candidate, my enthusiasm quickly waned.