• Regular algorithms: Read all the input and solve the problem.

  • Property testing: Solve the problem by only reading a small part of the input.

  • The concept of ε-farness:

    • ε: A constant threshold.
    • Is it possible to determine with a certain probability whether a given property is likely to hold or not (ε-far from the property)? Is this what property testing does?
  • Why do property testing?

    • When data becomes huge, even polynomial time algorithms can be slow.
      • With property testing, it is possible to solve the problem in constant time or even linear time.
    • Even if the problem is NP-hard, there is a possibility that property testing can be done.
    • It can be used for pruning before solving the problem exactly (rejecting possibilities that are not feasible).
  • Connections with other fields:

    • Approximation algorithms:
      • Approximation algorithms usually provide guarantees based on multiplication, such as “$0.878n”.
      • Property testing has a slightly different way of providing guarantees.
        • However, the techniques of property testing can be applied in some cases.
    • Distributed algorithms:
      • Distributed algorithms determine the output by randomly looking at a part of a Graph or other structures.
      • The approach is similar to property testing.
  • Advantages of property testing:

    • The algorithms are simple, and the more difficult part is the analysis.
      • Experts can handle that.
    • It reveals the relationship between global/macro structures and local/micro structures.
  • Property testing is studied for various subjects:

    • Monotonicity Property Testing
    • Testing Properties of Graphs
    • Goal: Obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for properties that can be solved in constant time.
      • Some research has succeeded (impressive).
      • However, since it is not possible to read all inputs in the first place, information-theoretic methods are used.
  • (Master of Information Science)