Properties of Continuous Functions

  • Intermediate Value Theorem
    • It’s similar to the 625d10de79e1130000986347, so it’s kind of obvious.
      • Should we recognize the existence of this theorem? (blu3mo)
  • Maximum Value Theorem
    • A continuous function defined on a non-empty bounded closed interval has a maximum value and a minimum value.

  • It seems important to understand when these theorems do not hold true (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
    • ① non-empty ② bounded ③ closed interval as the domain ④ continuous function
    • In other words, if the domain is (-∞, ∞), there is no minimum or maximum value (since it is not bounded).
    • If the domain is (-1, 1), there is no minimum or maximum value (since it is an open interval).
    • However, it doesn’t mean that they absolutely don’t have minimum or maximum values.
      • Even if it’s not a closed interval, quadratic functions, for example, have minimum or maximum values.