• Premise

    • This is not a life plan
    • Without a direction, one can get lost, so it’s beneficial to sketch out a scenario once to use as a compass.
      • Similar to narrative thinking or fortune-telling, or imagining “If there were a Wikipedia page about yourself, how would it be written?” may increase the chances of a successful life.
      • By creating a scenario as an experiment, one can perceive life in relation to it.
        • Having a point of comparison allows for thoughts like “I prefer this” or “Essentially the same,” leading to various considerations.
    • Additionally, I want to grasp the sense of a 10-year timespan.
  • First, jot down various feelings

    • Firstly, what do I want to do?
      • Experimental creation or research
      • Things related to a broad sense of philosophy or computer science
    • I want to pursue a PhD program
      • Compared to a year ago, the world of VR/HCI academia seems very clear now.
        • Attending conferences like UIST, CSCW, reading papers in classes, and writing papers in labs have provided insights into how academia’s system and community function.
        • Understanding how funding is acquired and what kind of work people are doing.
      • Based on this, I am currently thinking of choosing to fight within this framework/game.
        • There are many interesting people among PhD students.
        • I appreciate the benefits of “1) getting paid, 2) having a mentor, and 3) having a place to conduct research.”
          • Having an environment where even if what you do doesn’t immediately make money, you still earn, is good.
    • However, I don’t want to end my 20s just competing in academia.
      • I want to do things other than research.
        • And, based on my personality, I think I will want to do them.
    • I want money.
  • Scenario

    • 2024 (20 years old)
      • Spring
      • Fall: Take a leave of absence while conducting research on Asymmetric Reality simultaneously.
    • 2025 (21 years old)
      • Spring
        • Resume studies
      • Fall
    • 2026 (22 years old)
      • Spring
        • Senior year
      • Fall
        • Extra semester? If I can live in NY while completing the remaining credits, I might live there.
        • Graduation
      • PhD application, job hunting, finding investors, etc.
    • 2027 (23 years old)
      • Need to decide calmly on what research or business to pursue; otherwise, I won’t have anything to bet on in the future.
    • 2028 (24 years old)
    • 2029 (25 years old)
    • 2030 (26 years old)
    • 2031 (27 years old)
    • 2032 (28 years old)
    • 2033 (29 years old)
      • If going directly to a PhD program after undergraduate graduation, might graduate around this time.
    • 2034 (30 years old)

=> For now, refer to 202402 Considering First Career After Graduation.