from Physics 1600 Review Plan Physics 1600 3 Kinematics in one dimension

  • 3.1 Foundations … … … … … … … … … . . 69
  • , and - That’s right, it’s basic. - In high school physics, we used to write instead of the integral. - ==However, that only works when v is constant and x(t_0) = 0==(blu3mo) - Alternatively, we can define the average velocity as , and then we can say . - So, it’s important to be aware of the limits of definite integrals. - It’s true that we have been doing math somewhat vaguely until now. - In fact, if we handle the lower limit carelessly in a first-order differential equation, we can make mistakes(blu3mo)(blu3mo)
  • 3.2 One-dimensional kinematics: examples … … … … . . 71
  • 3.2.1 Constant acceleration … … … … … … . . 71
      • It’s important to be aware that this is the result of integration.
  • 3.2.2 Oscillating acceleration … … … … … … . 73
  • 3.2.3 Drag acceleration (linear) … … … … … . . 75
    • When a = -g - bv, there is a v where a = 0 → we can understand that there is a terminal velocity(blu3mo)(blu3mo)
  • 3.2.4 Drag acceleration (squared) … … … … … . 78
  • 3.2.5 Instantaneous changes in velocity … … … … . 82
  • 3.3 Second-order differential equations of motion … … … . 85
    • We want to solve the form a = f(x), but it’s generally impossible.
      • There is something called the Energy method.
      • So, we have no choice but to try and get the equation by trial and error.
        • It can be done if it’s in the form a = ±kx.
  • 3.3.1 Negative form, simple harmonic motion … … … 86
    • It only becomes SHM when the initial displacement/velocity is 0.
  • 3.3.2 Positive form … … … … … … … … . 89
  • 3.3.3 Uniqueness of solutions to linear second-order equation of motion … … … … … … … … … 91
  • 3.3.4 Non-homogeneous linear second-order equation of motion 92