Summary: The author plans to stay in the Bay Area in October 2023 and participate in various events such as a hackathon in Berkeley and an OpenAI conference. They expect to gain new perspectives and knowledge through their activities in the Bay Area. It is suggested that specifying the activities and goals more clearly will make the stay more meaningful. However, since the specific schedule and activities are not yet clear, it may be necessary to revise and provide more details for the plan. The question is what the author wants to achieve during their stay in the Bay Area and what specific goals they have.

Summary: The author expresses their inability to imagine a future where humans work as HCI researchers in 10 years. They contemplate the roles of humans and computers. It is interesting that they deeply consider the potential changes in human roles due to the evolution of AI. It is suggested that analyzing in detail how the evolution of AI will impact human roles using specific examples and data would be beneficial. The critical analysis points out that while the discussion about the roles of humans and computers is interesting, no specific solutions or measures are provided. The question is how the author predicts that the evolution of AI will change human roles.

Summary: The author presents a policy for writing people’s names on Scrapbox. They suggest using SNS IDs for people who have them and using the original spelling for those who do not. It is interesting that having a consistent policy makes organizing and sharing information easier. It is suggested that explicitly sharing this policy would help avoid confusion among other users. The critical analysis acknowledges that this policy is effective for maintaining consistency but may not be applicable in all cases. The question is what exceptions can be considered for this policy.

Summary: The author records information for the 44th week of 2023. It is interesting that recording information for specific weeks allows for tracking the passage of time and progress. It is suggested that recording more detailed information, such as specific activities and achieved goals, would be beneficial. The critical analysis highlights the lack of specific information currently and the need to provide more comprehensive information. The question is what the author wants to achieve during this week and what specific goals they have.

Summary: The author records information for a specific day in the 44th week of 2023. It is interesting that recording information for specific days allows for tracking the passage of time and progress. It is suggested that recording more detailed information, such as specific activities and achieved goals, would be beneficial. The critical analysis points out the lack of specific information currently and the need to provide more comprehensive information. The question is what the author wants to achieve on this day and what specific goals they have.

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date: 2023-10-24 11:21:28 json size: 8557102 pickle size: 146791323 titles: ~20231029, 202310 Bay Area Stay, Considering Life with AGI 202310, Policy for Writing People’s Names on Scrapbox num_updated_pages: 4