(keicho) What do you want to happen in this conversation? (blu3mo) I want to organize my thoughts on the spatiotemporal axis. (keicho) What kind of “spatiotemporal axis” is it? (blu3mo) It’s a spatiotemporal axis where I can feel immersion. (keicho) Is there anything else about this “spatiotemporal axis”? (blu3mo) I am generalizing it as a “spatiotemporal axis” by considering it together with the timeline. (keicho) Where is this “spatiotemporal axis”? (blu3mo) It exists in the perception of people. (keicho)

  • By considering it together with the timeline, I am generalizing it as a “spatiotemporal axis.”

  • Where is this “spatiotemporal axis” located? (blu3mo) It is parallel to the timeline. (keicho) What kind of “timeline” is it? (blu3mo) It’s a timeline where I can feel immersion. (keicho) What kind of “immersion” is it? (blu3mo) It’s a sense of feeling like I am in a specific position on the axis. (keicho) What do you value about it? (blu3mo) I value being able to have a perspective from myself. (keicho) What kind of “self” is it? (blu3mo) It’s not a self that is separate from others. (keicho) Is there anything else about this “self”? (blu3mo) I feel like the self is almost synonymous with a perspective. (keicho) How do you know this “self”? (blu3mo) I know it through output and the input that comes back from the surroundings. (keicho)
  • I feel like the self is almost synonymous with a perspective.

  • What would be good to happen with this “self”? (blu3mo) I want the relationship between the self and the axis it is placed on to be more free. (keicho) What needs to happen to this “self” for that? (blu3mo) It needs to be placed on axes other than reality. (keicho) Can this be done with the “self”? (blu3mo) Probably. (keicho)
  • I want the relationship between the self and the axis it is placed on to be more free.

  • Where is this “self” located? (blu3mo) On the axis. (keicho) What kind of “axis” is it? (blu3mo) It’s an axis where immersion is possible. (keicho) Is there anything else about this “axis”? (blu3mo) It seems like there are other axes besides the timeline and the spatial axis. (keicho) Is there anything else about this “timeline”? (blu3mo) No. (keicho)
  • An axis where immersion is possible.

  • Where does this “axis” come from? (blu3mo) It comes from the perception of reality or from created fiction. (keicho)
  • An axis where immersion is possible.

  • Where is this “axis” located? (blu3mo) 🙁 (keicho)
  • I want the relationship between the self and the axis it is placed on to be more free.

  • What is this “self” like? (blu3mo) It’s like a piece on a board game. (keicho)
  • An axis where immersion is possible.

  • Where is this “axis” located? (blu3mo) 🙁 (keicho)
  • By considering it together with the timeline, I am generalizing it as a “spatiotemporal axis.”

  • How do you know this “spatiotemporal axis”? (blu3mo) I know it through output to other positions on the axis and input coming back from other positions on the axis. (keicho) What kind of “position” is it? (blu3mo) It is something that can perceive order, and it is not necessarily quantitative or continuous like real time or real space. (keicho)
  • By considering it together with the timeline, I am generalizing it as a “spatiotemporal axis.”

  • Where does this “axis” come from? (blu3mo) In reality, it comes from the original, and in virtual things, it comes from creators, etc. (keicho) What kind of “reality” is it? (blu3mo) It was originally dominating. (keicho)
  • By considering it together with the timeline, I am generalizing it as a “spatiotemporal axis.”

  • What would be good to happen with this “spatiotemporal axis”? (blu3mo) I want the domination of physical space to be diminished.(keicho) What needs to happen to the “spatial axis” for that? (blu3mo) Diversification. (keicho) Regarding the “spatial axis,” is that possible? (blu3mo) It is already possible to some extent with VR, etc. (keicho) What kind of “VR, etc.” is that? (blu3mo) It is something that provides information other than reality to the senses. (keicho) What kind of “senses” are we talking about? (blu3mo) It is the human input interface. (keicho) What kind of “input interface” is that? (blu3mo) I don’t know. (keicho)
  • I feel like the self is almost synonymous with the viewpoint.

  • What kind of “viewpoint” is that? (blu3mo) It determines the input to the senses, and can be moved. (keicho) Is there anything else about this “senses”? (blu3mo) Not at the moment. (keicho)
  • I feel like the self is almost synonymous with the viewpoint.

  • Is there anything else about this “viewpoint”? (blu3mo) Not at the moment. (keicho)
  • I want the relationship between the self and the axis it is placed on to be more free.

  • Where does this “self” come from?