Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) refers to the use of computers and digital technologies to facilitate communication between individuals or groups. It encompasses various forms of communication, such as email, instant messaging, online forums, and social media platforms.

A study conducted by researchers here explores the impact of CMC on organizational communication. The study examines how CMC affects communication patterns, information sharing, and collaboration within organizations.

The findings of the study suggest that CMC can have both positive and negative effects on organizational communication. On one hand, CMC can enhance communication efficiency by allowing individuals to exchange information quickly and conveniently. It can also facilitate collaboration among geographically dispersed teams, enabling them to work together despite physical distance.

On the other hand, CMC can also lead to information overload and miscommunication. The absence of non-verbal cues, such as facial expressions and body language, can make it difficult to accurately interpret messages. Additionally, the asynchronous nature of CMC, where messages are not always received and responded to immediately, can result in delays and misunderstandings.

Overall, the study highlights the need for organizations to carefully manage and adapt to the challenges and opportunities presented by CMC. It suggests that organizations should provide training and guidelines on effective CMC usage to improve communication outcomes. Additionally, organizations should consider integrating CMC with face-to-face communication to leverage the strengths of both modes of communication.