The concept of the body is closely related to the question of “what is the Self”. In recent cognitive science, it is believed that the self is composed of the narrative self and the minimal self in relation to self-consciousness. The narrative self is the enduring self, which includes a self-image from past memories to future prospects. On the other hand, the minimal self is a temporary self, corresponding to the awareness of actions. It is believed that the minimal self consists of the sense of self-agency and the sense of self-ownership. The sense of self-agency is the feeling of performing actions by oneself, while the sense of self-ownership is the feeling that one’s own body belongs to oneself. Therefore, research on body image is closely related to the minimal self, and studies are being conducted on how it is constructed. It is also suggested that the posterior parietal cortex of the brain integrates various sensory information and efferent copies of motor commands to form a unified body image.

#embodiment Theory

  • From the perspective that humans are not fixed entities,
    • one possible future of Human-Computer Integration is the intervention of computers into the minimal self,
    • and the resulting flexible users who continue to transform.