Summary: This page discusses the logic behind reading Scrapbox update pages and past pages to gather inspiration for new update pages. It also suggests the existence of a bot that incorporates knowledge from other sources.

Interesting point: The presence of a bot that reads Scrapbox update pages and past pages can be an effective way to gain new perspectives and knowledge.

Improvement suggestion: Adding more details about the criteria for selecting pages for the bot to read and how it determines relevance would make it easier to understand.

Critical analysis: This logic does not mention how the bot interprets information and presents it to users.

Question: What are the criteria for selecting pages for the bot to read? How are those criteria set?

Summary: This page discusses participating as a student volunteer in CSCW2023 and finding interesting sessions.

Interesting point: It is interesting to consider the overall interest in CSCW research and which parts are found interesting.

Improvement suggestion: Providing specific sessions of interest and reasons for interest would provide more specific feedback.

Critical analysis: This page does not elaborate on specific interests or expectations regarding CSCW research.

Question: Which specific sessions are you interested in? What are the reasons for your interest?

Summary: This page expresses impressions about UIST2022, particularly mentioning the small size of the community, the high number of Japanese participants, and the difficulty of networking.

Interesting point: The discussion about the difficulty of networking at conferences and the importance of clearly conveying one’s own work is interesting.

Improvement suggestion: Sharing specific ideas about networking methods and self-introduction techniques would be helpful for others.

Critical analysis: This page does not mention specific sessions or research impressions.

Question: Which specific sessions or research left an impression on you? What are the reasons for your impression?

Summary: This page introduces a study on multi-scale mixed reality collaboration using 360 video sharing and tangible interaction.

Interesting point: The study on collaboration using a combination of 360 video sharing and tangible interaction provides a new perspective.

Improvement suggestion: Adding more details about the specific content of the study and how it was implemented would make it easier to understand.

Critical analysis: This page does not mention the specific content of the study or how it was implemented.

Question: What is the specific content of this study? How was it implemented?

Summary: This page mentions a specific research lab that has contributed many studies to UIST.

Interesting point: The fact that a specific research lab has contributed many studies indicates the active research activity of that lab.

Improvement suggestion: Providing specific details about the studies that have been submitted and their content would make it easier to understand.

Critical analysis: This page does not mention the specific content of the studies or how they were implemented.

Question: Which specific studies have been submitted? What is the content of those studies?