Summary: This page discusses whether research on HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) should continue. It also mentions the student volunteer activities for CSCW2023 (Computer Supported Cooperative Work) and the plan to read CHI (Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems) papers from the 1990s.

Interesting points: The debate on whether to continue HCI research provides important perspectives for reevaluating one’s own research direction. The student volunteer activities for CSCW2023 are interesting as a challenge in a new field.

Alternative: To determine whether to continue HCI research, it may be helpful to get feedback from other researchers and experts. For the student volunteer activities for CSCW2023, clarifying the specific activities and goals may provide more concrete feedback.

Critical analysis: The debate on whether to continue HCI research is discussed from the perspective of one’s own abilities, interests, and social value, but specific research topics and goals are not mentioned. It would be possible to have more specific discussions by making these aspects clear.

Question: What criteria do you use to decide whether to continue HCI research? What specific knowledge do you want to gain from the student volunteer activities for CSCW2023?

Summary: This page discusses whether to continue HCI research. It states that the author finds HCI research most interesting based on their awareness, capabilities, and social value.

Interesting points: Choosing research topics based on one’s abilities, interests, and social value is important for deepening self-understanding and direction as a researcher.

Alternative: Obtaining feedback from other researchers and experts may provide deeper insights into whether to continue HCI research.

Critical analysis: The debate on whether to continue HCI research is discussed from the perspective of one’s abilities, interests, and social value, but specific research topics and goals are not mentioned. It would be possible to have more specific discussions by making these aspects clear.

Question: What criteria do you use to decide whether to continue HCI research?

Summary: This page mentions the student volunteer activities for CSCW2023. The specific activities and goals are not revealed.

Interesting points: The student volunteer activities for CSCW2023 are interesting as a challenge in a new field.

Alternative: Clarifying the specific activities and goals may provide more concrete feedback.

Critical analysis: The specific activities and goals are not revealed. It would be possible to have more specific discussions by making these aspects clear.

Question: What specific knowledge do you want to gain from the student volunteer activities for CSCW2023?

Summary: This page mentions the plan to read CHI papers from the 1990s. It proposes a format where each presenter introduces papers from the 1980s to the 1990s and then discusses the subsequent lineage maps, latest papers, and products.

Interesting points: By revisiting past papers and tracing their influence, one can understand the background and evolution of current research.

Alternative: In addition to introducing each paper, discussing the new perspectives and problem statements provided by those papers may lead to a deeper understanding.

Critical analysis: The specific activities and goals are not revealed. It would be possible to have more specific discussions by making these aspects clear.

Question: What specific knowledge do you want to gain from the plan to read CHI papers from the 1990s?Critical Analysis: The format of the project is clearly defined, but specific criteria for selecting papers and goals are not mentioned. By clarifying these aspects, it would be possible to have more specific discussions.

Question: What do you hope to learn through this study group? And what kind of papers do you plan to select?

Summary: This page discusses the progress and plans for various tasks. However, the specific details and goals of these tasks are not clear.

Interesting point: By progressing with multiple tasks simultaneously, it is possible to have a multi-faceted perspective.

Alternative: By clearly defining the specific details and goals of the tasks, it may be possible to obtain more specific feedback.

Critical Analysis: The specific details and goals of the tasks are not clear. By clarifying these aspects, it would be possible to have more specific discussions.

Question: What do you hope to learn through these tasks? And which task do you feel has the highest priority?

extra info

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