• “Describe the world you come from; for example, your family, clubs, school, community, city, or town. How has that world shaped your dreams and aspirations?” (250 words, MIT Application)

  • It seems like a good idea to reflect on how I have been conducting the exploration of “I Want to Consider and Pursue the Fundamental Evaluation Function of Life” while interacting with the community. This could be done in the form of an essay, focusing on Generalizing one’s interests and the feeling of living happily in a rigorous environment while making the most of opportunities.

v2 (200 words for Columbia Application)

  • What kind of diversity do I want to create?

  • What is my purpose in coding?

  • Maybe this is it.

  • Outline:

    • Rigorous and diverse environment
    • Getting lost in the midst of diversity
    • However, trying various experiences from there
      • Doing internships, etc.
    • However, finding my identity was also helped by that community.
      • The trigger was “What is time”
    • From there, deepening discussions with people who became interested in me, I thought, “Ah, this is my identity.”
  • Improvements from v1:

    • Lack of specificity and story
      • Currently, it’s like “I started to understand my identity as I watched.”
      • I want to include how I communicated, in other words, the growth process.
    • I want to talk about how I discovered things I didn’t know by taking the courage to step in and found my place.
      • In that sense, should I talk about entering the “未踏” (Mito) community?
      • Show the strength of the “未踏” community as well.
    • The dual nature of that rigorous community
    • “From the story you have given in this paragraph, it is not evident to the reader what you mean by ‘exploring the new world’ or ‘unexplored.’ You’re repeating the term ‘unexplored,’ but the reader doesn’t quite get what you mean by that, so try clarifying that term first in a very concrete manner and then structure the paragraph around that. Then, I’m sure the ending and everything should fall into place.”
    • Also, the confusion between rigor and diversity needs to be fixed.
    • It seems better to focus more on being a maker than a coder.
      • Because it’s about making things for the betterment of society, or for the people close to me, or because engineering is interesting.
      • And why do I make things?
        • I found that in the “未踏” community…
        • There is (blu3mo).
    • Also, I want to mention not only what I learned but also how I learn and how I contribute (blu3mo).
  • Consideration with Columbia:

    • It seems to overlap a lot with the “Why Major” essay.
    • Well, I can make the community more abstract and focus on more specific topics in the “Why” essay.
      • Something like human augmentation can be discussed in the “Why” essay.

v1 “Hell Stoic Village” idea

  • It seems like I can talk about the dilemma related to Impostor Syndrome and how I dealt with it.

  • How has that shaped my dreams and aspirations?

  • This doesn’t have to be limited to Masayoshi Son; it seems applicable to any strong community.

    • Masayoshi Son
      • Annual social gatherings that provide stimulation in exchange for a decrease in self-esteem.
    • Twitter timeline
    • “未踏” (Mito)
    • Experts
    • Come to think of it, before I entered this Twitter community, I didn’t really compare myself to such strong individuals.
      • I didn’t really compare myself to people of the same age at the foundation either.
      • The other communities were in the same rating range, so to speak.
      • Or maybe it’s because of the age, I didn’t have many comparison points.
    • I had a vague lack of confidence, but there was no specificity.
      • On the contrary, because of that, I couldn’t find my own strengths and ended up in a direction of Impostor Syndrome.
    • This could also be an appeal to show that I can find my position even in an MIT-like environment.
    • It would be good to show both what and how I gain from MIT.
      • What:
        • I think my position and uniqueness in this community are similar to MIT.
        • If I can show what I gained from this community, I can also show what I will gain from MIT.
      • How:- Show how you deal with issues related to self-esteem and such.
  • Also, it seems like a good opportunity to talk about a cooperative community.

  • Good.

  • In the end, I still haven’t come up with a good idea that fits well.

  • Well, maybe “未踏” (Mito) would be a good idea.

  • It could also show my position within the field of computer science.

  • Like an improved version of the one I submitted to UWash.

  • However, if I choose “未踏”, I can’t use it together with “Essay Unprecedented Case”.

  • Also, it feels a bit different to bring up “未踏” in the context of family, community, and cultural background.

  • “Hell Stoic Village” idea.

  • Let’s go with this (memo moved to the top).

Our families and communities often define us and our individual worlds. Community might refer to your cultural group, extended family, religious group, neighborhood or school, sports team or club, co-workers, etc. Describe the world you come from and how you, as a product of it, might add to the diversity of the UW. (300, [UWashington application])

  • It seems like I can supplement the concept of diversity in the 50-word difference from MIT.

  • Factors that influence dreams, aspirations, and identity.

  • “It’s better to be exposed to various fields in college”?

  • “Tendency to Think about High-level Things”.

  • CoderDojo -> Talk about “Maker”?

  • The loop of the “未踏エコシステム” (Mito ecosystem).

  • Within that, talk about how I understand and enjoy the fun of creating things, while seeing it as a means to explore new models through implementation.

  • “Programming as a Means”, “Application of technology as a means”.

  • That could work (blu3mo).

  • It would also contribute to diversity.

  • The “未踏” community, or rather the people in “未踏” (program managers, colleagues).

  • It would be similar to what I wrote in “Essay Unprecedented Case”.

  • It can convey the latter part of “what will student bring to uni / what will student take from uni”.

  • At the same time, I can also highlight the value of what I gained from “未踏”.

  • I can have recommendation letters and “Each Element to be Submitted Should Support Each Other”.

  • #community-related Essay