Summary: This research investigates how subtle redirection in VR environments can be utilized through eye blinking. Unlike previous studies focusing on redirection during walking, this study explores redirection during blinking.

Key points: Exploring redirection using blinking could enhance the naturalness and immersion of VR experiences. By deriving a model of change blindness from experimental data, the results have gained more practical value.

Alternative strategies: It might be beneficial to explore if other unconscious behaviors, such as subtle head movements or breathing, can also be used for redirection.

Critical analysis: Since the frequency and duration of blinking vary among individual users, this approach may not be effective for all users.

Summary: This paper proposes a design space for teleportation to mid-air targets and evaluates three techniques. It derives design guidelines based on the results of a user study.

Key points: Exploring continuous movement techniques could enhance the naturalness and immersion of VR experiences. Developing and evaluating three different approaches expands existing research in this field.

Alternative strategies: Evaluating other movement techniques, such as gesture-based or gaze-based movement, could also be beneficial.

Critical analysis: While teleportation facilitates movement in VR environments, it may confuse users’ sense of direction.

Summary: Information about course registration for the spring semester of 2024 at Columbia University is provided. Course options include mathematics, modern analysis, CS requirements, CST, Fundies, computer science, artificial intelligence, computational aspects of robotics, and more.

Key points: A variety of subjects are offered, allowing students to choose based on their interests and career goals.

Alternative strategies: When selecting courses, it is important to consider not only future career goals but also personal interests, strengths, and weaknesses.

Critical analysis: Course selection is a crucial decision for each student, and providing more specific information (such as detailed course descriptions and feedback from past students) could be beneficial.