• I think that in about 10 years, machine translation will be effective for both text and voice communication.

    • [Optimism for the future]~
    • However, it still seems difficult to capture the nuances of jokes and wordplay.
      • Maybe even that will be possible in 10 years (optimism) (u7693)
      • +1 (blu3mo)
  • If that happens, having proficiency in English won’t make a difference in distinguishing oneself from Japanese speakers.

  • Personally, I also struggle with English communication, so I hope for a world where machine translation becomes stronger.

    • However, I thought that by living or traveling in [US Universities] and expanding [The Power to Live Outside the Comfort Zone], I could reap the benefits of improving my English skills.
    • @knockout_: When I think deeply about it, what I want children to acquire is not just superficial English language skills. It’s the ability to interact with different others in different cultures, and the lightness to dive in without hesitation. It’s a mindset issue that is not easily replaced by technology.

      • The context of the tweet may be slightly different, but the message is similar (blu3mo)
  • Similar pattern: [I think I won’t need a license in 10 years]