🏥 Health Services and their Activities

  • Keywords: (Public Health Administration)(Health Services)(Public Health Office)(Health Center)(Health Examination)(Health Consultation)(Health Education)(Vaccination)(Health Information)

  • Flow

“Public Health Administration”

  • Organized activities for health that cannot be done individually, carried out with public responsibility.

  • Classification of Public Health Administration

    • 🏘 General Public Health Administration
      • Focuses on the lives of families and local communities.
    • 🏫 School Health Administration
      • Focuses on school life.
    • 🏭 Industrial Health Administration
      • Focuses on the lives of workers in the workplace.
    • 🌳 Environmental Administration
      • Pollution control, environmental conservation, etc.

Health Services

  • 🩺 Health Examinations
    • Human health check-ups, cancer screenings, etc.
    • To detect and address diseases or abnormalities at an early stage.
  • 👨‍⚕️ Health Consultations
    • Counseling provided by public health nurses.
  • 📕 Health Education
    • Education on prevention, early detection, and management of health issues.
  • 💉 Vaccinations
    • Prevention of diseases such as influenza, polio, and Japanese encephalitis.
  • 📺 Provision of Health Information
    • Providing information and materials for promoting health.
  • Others: HIV antibody testing, prevention of lifestyle diseases, etc.

Structure of Public Health Administration

  • 🏥 “Public Health Offices” serve as the base for public health administration (Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare).
    • Various experts work to protect the health of the community.
    • Disease prevention, information gathering, monitoring of restaurants, etc.
  • 🏢 “Health Centers” in each municipality
    • Provide accessible health services.
    • Offer prevention classes for lifestyle diseases, parenting exchange meetings, etc.
  • Differences
    • Public Health Offices provide wide-ranging and specialized services.
    • Health Centers provide more localized health services.

Public Health Administration during the COVID-19 Pandemic

  • The third wave of COVID-19 with no end in sight - Public health offices struggling with increasing cases.

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  • One of the main roles of public health offices in responding to COVID-19 is to track the movement of the virus through “epidemiological investigations.”

  • Shinichiro Hata, Chief of the COVID-19 Response Division in the city, says, “Although we have support staff, we are working late into the night every day to somehow manage the situation.”

    • Public health offices are organizations of “experts,” so there is a shortage of manpower.
  • “In the Hanshin region, hospitals that accept severe cases are becoming overwhelmed, making coordination increasingly difficult,” he appealed.

    • Public health offices operate on a wider scale than health centers.