@blu3mo: “Live streaming work for your future self” seems quite interesting and useful.

  • Display what you were doing 10 minutes ago in the bottom right corner of the screen constantly.
  • Understand whether “your past self was focused” or “your past self was slacking off by surfing the net.”
  • Create a sense of tension as if being watched by others, but these “others” are actually your future self. image

Streaming work for your future self

  • Work while looking at yourself from 24 hours ago (i.e., working while being watched by yourself from 24 hours in the future)

    • Treating yourself from a different time as if they were a different person
  • While it is said that being watched by others helps to focus during work, in this case, the “others” are your future self.

  • Questions

    • Does the thought of “let’s focus so that my future self from tomorrow doesn’t see me slacking off” really motivate you?
    • Or if you think, “Yesterday’s me was slacking off, browsing Twitter,” does it make you reflect and try to concentrate more?
      • Viewing your slacking from the perspective of an external observer seems mentally challenging
      • (In a positive sense, it can be an opportunity for reflection)
  • This concept seems valuable not only for reflecting on your thoughts from 24 hours ago but also for other purposes.

  • #mightimplementthis

  • I feel like trying this out (blu3mo)

  • While implementing ParallelTalk MVP v1, there was an interesting experience of always seeing your state from 10 minutes ago (blu3mo).

  • Challenges

    • It might cost a lot if it is widely used
      • One option could be to throw all the storage on YouTube
      • Well, we can think about it if it is actually used
  • How far back should we go in the “past”?

    • 24 hours would result in too much data to handle
    • What about 10 minutes?
      • I tried it out, but I can’t really see myself from 10 minutes ago as an “other”
  • The concept aligns with Task management to be evaluated by your future self

  • Implementing Work Streaming for Future Self

@blu3mo: “Live streaming work for your future self” seems quite interesting and useful.

  • Display what you were doing 10 minutes ago in the bottom right corner of the screen constantly.
  • Understand whether “your past self was focused” or “your past self was slacking off by surfing the net.”
  • Create a sense of tension as if being watched by others, but these “others” are actually your future self. image
  • Japan seems to have a good initial response even though it’s 6 AM; maybe I should try releasing a prototype
    • @miake_ut: This is correct

    • @aumy_f: I want to try this

    • @gen_2127: This is interesting

      • @gen_2127: If no one is watching, I tend to slack off, so maybe I should try this

    • No, I’ll go bankrupt if I don’t set a billing cap (blu3mo)

  • @blu3mo: I was working on this using 100ms, but it seems like it will cost a lot with HLS streaming, so I’m looking for a way to use YouTube Livestream instead.

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