• 言語化が難しい能力に言及したいときに使う言葉?

  • 「センス」という言葉が指す能力の共通認識が持てている場合は、それでコミュニケーションは問題なさそう

    • 例えば「色彩センス」とか「ファッションセンス」とかは大体認識が共有されていそう
  • ただ、そうでない場合にSenseという言葉を使うと意思疎通が難しそう

    • 特に、何かを批判するときに「センスが無い」という曖昧な主張をするのは危険そうだなーと思った
      • そもそもの定義が曖昧なのでまともに議論ができない
      • その上、「他の人は共通認識を持てていて、自分だけ持てていないのかも」と主張を聞いた人は思ってしまう
        • 「センス」が無いと思われる不安で、批判に対して反論/議論するハードルが上がりそう
      • 権威主義っぽさもある
    • It’s All About Balanceに関する批判と同じで、「要はセンス」で議論を終えずにセンスの意味を思考することで分かることがありそう
      • +100(u7693)
  • 細かいスキルや経験則が複雑に絡み合って作られた意思決定を、その過程がブラックボックス化された状態で解釈する時、みたいな捉え方をしていた(axokxi)

    • e.g. 「色彩のセンスが良い」という場合も、センスが良い人は配色パターンとかをスキル的に/経験的に理解してて、それぞれの選択に理由があるんだけど、全体のプロセスがブラックボックス化しているせいで「センス」という能力的なものに見える、って感じ
    • 同意、言語化が難しい能力を指す感じ(blu3mo)
  • What word can be used when referring to the difficult-to-articulate ability?

  • If there is a common understanding of the ability referred to by the word “sense,” then communication should not be a problem.

    • For example, terms like “color sense” or “fashion sense” seem to have a shared understanding.
  • However, when the understanding is not shared, using the word “sense” can make communication difficult.

    • In particular, it seems risky to make the vague claim of “lack of sense” when criticizing something.
      • Since the definition itself is ambiguous, it is difficult to have a proper discussion.
      • Furthermore, people who hear the claim might think, “Maybe others have a shared understanding and I’m the only one who doesn’t.”
        • The fear of being perceived as lacking “sense” raises the hurdle for responding to criticism and engaging in debate.
      • It also has a sense of authoritarianism.
    • Similar to the criticism regarding “It’s All About Balance,” it seems that understanding the meaning of “sense” through thought rather than ending the discussion with “it’s all about sense” could lead to insights.
      • +100 (u7693)
  • When interpreting decision-making processes that are made up of intricate skills and empirical rules, and when the process itself is black-boxed, it is like trying to understand that state (axokxi).

    • For example, in the case of saying “good color sense,” people with a good sense have a skillful/empirical understanding of color combinations, and there are reasons behind each choice. However, because the overall process is black-boxed, it appears as an ability called “sense.”
    • Agreed, it refers to the difficult-to-articulate ability (blu3mo).