• SAT 5/8 @GKA

  • I want to improve based on my First attempt at SAT exam.

  • Goal: 1500+

  • Study plan from 4/9~

    • For math, I should solve practice tests and review the topics I missed last time.
    • I will work hard on English.
    • Study flow (English)
      • Phase 1: Solve the remaining three mock tests on Khan Academy to get back into the rhythm.
        • While solving the tests, I will watch the tutorials on Khan Academy.
      • Phase 2: Solve the mock tests from Barrons.
      • Phase 3: Read the Black Book.
  • Results

SAT, Reading: I completely failed in time management and couldn’t finish. Writing: Okay. Math: I thought I had plenty of time, so I was solving the questions very slowly. But towards the end, some difficult problems came up and I couldn’t solve them in time, resulting in running out of time. I’m feeling down because of these results. @blu3mo May 8, 2021

  • As I expected, I probably scored lower than last time.

  • My time management was a mess.

    • I couldn’t solve about 70% of the questions in the last major section, like Reading.
  • However, it was better than I thought.

    • image1480
    • Although my goal was to exceed 1500, I wasn’t expecting much, so I’m happy that my score improved.
    • Even though my Reading section was a disaster, I got 700, so I guess my Writing section was pretty good.
    • I’m really frustrated with Math. If I hadn’t underestimated it, I would have scored 800.
  • Improvements

    • I need to manage my time better in the Reading section.
    • I shouldn’t underestimate Math.
    • I should also do Third Attempt at SAT Exam.
  • Additional note

    • I was wondering about the breakdown of my scores, but I found it.
    • image
    • So, my Reading section is the lowest.
      • Wait, was my Writing section really that good?