Page in the Format of Adding Information on Top

  • Before thinking about what to convey, you should consider what can be conveyed in the untrodden story.



  • Start with Applying to Harvard, ignoring the word limit for now.
    • It seems better to write a lot first and then shorten it to 250 words.


  • Purpose: Stanford Application, Swarthmore Application, JHU Application, Application to Caltech
  • Prompts
    • The most important one:
      • Swarthmore / We are inspired by students who are flexible in their approach to learning, who are comfortable with experimentation, and who are willing to take intellectual risks that move them out of their comfort zone. Reflect on a time that you were intellectually challenged, inspired, or took an intellectual risk—inside or outside of the classroom. How has that experience shaped you, and what questions still linger? (250)

    • The ones that can be reused:
      • Stanford / The Stanford community is deeply curious and driven to learn in and out of the classroom. Reflect on an idea or experience that makes you genuinely excited about learning. (250)

      • Harvard / Tell us about a life situation, media story, or topic – beyond or outside of a classroom or formal assignment – that has captivated you, inspired your curiosity, and led you to delve more deeply into learning about a subject on your own. (250)

      • Caltech / Tell us about a life situation, media story, or topic – beyond or outside of a classroom or formal assignment – that has captivated you, inspired your curiosity, and led you to delve more deeply into learning about a subject on your own. (250)

      • JHU / Use this space to share something you’d like the admissions committee to know about you (your interests, your background, your identity, or your community), and how it has shaped what you want to get out of your college experience at Hopkins. (300-400 words)

  • Changes
    • Mention cross-disciplinary areas (such as philosophy)
      • Philosophy of time, for example
      • Japanese language
    • Describe the process of learning a topic (in line with the prompts from Swarthmore and Stanford)
    • Reduce the word count
      • Make the specific process story more clear and understandable
    • Currently, both stories are too thin, so focus on one example and show how you thought and explored it
      • Show that you abstracted the challenges and deepened your learning through a loop process
      • Talk about the process
        • Since it would be cumbersome to cover everything, focus only on pseudo-synchronization?
        • Prototype implementation -> Sense of Time Sharing is believability -> User testing ->
    • Remove the joyful parts?
      • Don’t use full sentences, but convey the idea through words

v1 (UC Personal Insight Questions)


  • [/blu3mo-private/Essay 未踏案]( 未踏案)

    • Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.
    • Intro part
      • I make to think, and I think to make.

      • I create in order to think, and I think in order to create.
      • By doing so, I can go further
        • Discover new things, think about them, and have new experiences
      • Different people have different purposes for “creating,” and my purpose is this
    • Story from the past
      • However, I should mention something that has been consistent throughout my life in order to give weight when explaining my current thoughts
      • I found joy in creating things and thinking about them, like building robots or making mazes
      • I also want to mention the aspiration for futuristic things here- However, initially I only thought that it was fun to think and fun to create.
  • Untapped episode talk and its reflection.

    • It sparked when I was in my third year of high school.
      • As always, I enjoyed creating while thinking about how to reconcile the advantages of real-time and on-demand classes and how to break down the time barrier for that purpose.
      • I implemented things like “experiences that are not synchronous but feel synchronous” or “experiences that are asynchronous but suddenly become synchronous”, and based on that, I thought about abstract things and virtual time.
    • “Creating new mechanisms and rules, and then thinking about them” is my purpose for creating.
      • I find that process interesting.
    • It’s not like “I noticed it right after a specific event”.
      • It’s more like developing it, gaining insights through interactions with others, and then facing them alone and deeply contemplating them.
      • Interacting with others: Untapped progress meetings, for example.
      • I want to depict the feeling of ideas being matured in Scrapbox.
        • Even if they are not fully organized, I want to delve into them.
        • (I feel like this is a characteristic of mine.)
      • Is this what makes me unique?
        • My own communication through Scrapbox, for example (yutarotanaka601).
  • Let’s divide the tasks (from How to Decrease Motivation Energy).

    • Contents
      • Intro part
      • Untapped episode talk and its reflection
      • My own story developed from there
    • Phases
      • Japanese bullet points by October 2nd
      • Japanese draft (for Recruit)
      • English
  • Overall concerns with English

  • I tried writing in English, but I think it’s better to start with Japanese using my language skills.

    • I will write down good English phrases as they come to me.
  • I have a vague impression that “I need to include episodes”, but I don’t really understand why in reality.

    • First, I should write down what I think is good, and then find out what I’m missing from there.
      • So let’s start by writing.
  • I had a longing for creating, but I hadn’t found the meaning.

    • A significant meaning for myself.
  • I thought it was nice in Untapped, like Exploring New Models through Implementation.

    • It seems good to mention user testing as an episode.
  • I want to mention Personality that Prefers New Discoveries so that it doesn’t just end up as academic interest.

  • Prompt

    • Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

      • I can’t think of a way to show the timing of realization, so for now, it might not be possible.
        • If I think of something, it might work.
        • Well, I could talk about something in Untapped.
    • Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

      • This seems good.
      • The answer may be abstract at first, but that itself proves the content, haha.
        • That might be good.
      • But I’m not sure if it fits the criteria of a topic, idea, or concept.
        • Well, let’s just write it for now.
      • What do you turn to is implementation (Exploring New Models through Implementation) or exploration (The Mist of the World, etc).
    • Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

      • I thought this could work too.
      • It can be talked about with specific episodes, so it might prevent it from becoming too abstract.
  • What I want to convey

  • What to depict

    • The moment when I felt like “this problem/solution can be generalized”- How should I describe it?
  • At the moment I found the structure?

    • Maybe it’s good to describe it as the thoughts in my brain..?
    • Connecting the dots.
  • Expressing the back and forth between the concrete and the abstract as if it were the surface of water or something in a poem.

  • Purpose

    • To create a sense of presence.
    • To express the emotions I felt.
  • How to be reflective?

    • Reflecting on the techniques I used, why I found them interesting, etc.