• It seems like there are limits to generalization in 2021-1 Limits of Generalization.

  • I like things that are universal.

  • Judging whether a story will still be relevant 500 years from now seems to be an important criterion.

  • I like stories that have a similar feeling across multiple fields, like cross-field application.

    • Like the feeling of XX method in mathematics and the feeling of YY in sociology.
    • I understand (takker)(takker)(takker).
  • To put it more clearly, generalization for me (what I think is good) is “describing more with simpler and concise expressions.”

    • For example, rather than describing “there are separate classes A, B, and C,” it is more concise to describe it as “there is a continuous parameter x” (A, B, and C have different values of x).
      • An example of finding continuity.
      • I like this kind of generalization.
  • Are there any universal rules (patterns) for everything?

    • Patterns that exist in physics, biology, literature, computers, politics, psychology, and so on.

    • As a feeling, the image below is close.

      • (This image is just a random association.)
      • image
      • Like saying that mathematics, astrophysics, and biology have the same pattern (is that true?).
        • It is natural for the same pattern to appear because it is a result that can be derived mathematically (takker).
    • Like “universal studies”?

    • I wonder how much they have in common if we abstract all mechanisms to the extreme.

    • Is it related to Topology and Set Theory? (I can’t say anything random because I don’t understand both well.)

    • The concept of yin and yang may also be related to this.

      • image
    • I also like the universality of normal distribution.

    • It might be close to Cybernetics (2021-1).

    • My personal hypothesis about this is that there are universal elements at the level of “causal relationships (X->Y)” or “inclusion relationships (X⊂Y),” and universal patterns are combinations of such elements.

    • (Just a hunch)

    • cf. Page 7: On the Nature of Logic - Kuina-chan’s Notebook

  • Write down specific examples that come to mind.

  • The so-called analogy.

  • It would be fun to write an essay on Theory of Knowledge with this.

    • Similarities between Areas of Knowledge.
    • But it seems difficult to condense it into a Knowledge Question (KQ).
  • It is important to focus not only on commonalities but also on differences.