• I occasionally write down the questions I’m asked.

I received the following questions (order unknown): Q: I often hear that Silicon Valley is no longer the best place, and that countries like China and Estonia are better. Have you considered going to those countries? I saw on the preliminary application form that you also visited Shenzhen, China. A: I am definitely interested in other countries. However, it would be difficult for me to learn Chinese in a short period of time, so I believe that the United States is the best option. Q: You seem to be a recipient of the Sun Foundation scholarship. Did you receive support from them for your previous study abroad experience? What about this internship? A: I received support from the foundation for my previous study abroad experience. However, the support is only for participation in schools and conferences, so this internship is not eligible for support. Q: What do you want to do after studying abroad? A: I want to explore different countries and also use my web development skills to create something. Q: Are there many people at your school who engage in unique activities like this? A: There are many people who apply for Tobitate, so yes, there are quite a few. The school is also actively supportive.

The interviewer seemed to be familiar with the contents of the preliminary application form. Also, my interview number was H-11, and today’s interviewees were H-10 and H-12, so it seems that the interviewers are not separated by course. However, this interviewer seemed to have a good understanding of technology, so it’s possible that they assign interviewers based on specific areas of expertise.