• Page in the Format of Adding Information on Top

  • I want to try GTD (blu3mo).

  • Antifragile Task Management Method

  • Reading a Book on Task Management

  • I feel it’s important to boost motivation.

    • Since I have some level of interest in what I’m currently doing, I want to enhance my motivation.
    • It should be beneficial to align motivation with task priorities.
  • I want to systematically proceed with the tasks of Physics1600.

  • GTD Group

  • Philosophy of Writing: Writing Theory for Writers Unable to Write

    • Intriguing.
  • I want to understand the details of GTD and TaskChute.

  • I feel the need to compress the time spent on distractions like internet surfing, which tends to dissipate.

    • Due to feeling a lack of time.
    • While in the past, there used to be regrets like “I should have worked on the report during that free time a few weeks ago,” now it seems like there is no longer that “free time a few weeks ago.”
      • Hence, the desire to improve work efficiency during busy times.
    • Specific measures need to be taken.
      • I want to find a way to focus on a single task.
        • Currently, apart from occasionally entering a state of concentration, there is no other method.
  • ~20220515

    • Accomplishments:
      • Going to bed by 23:00-24:00 and utilizing the morning hours.
        • It worked quite well (blu3mo).
        • Feels like effectively utilizing the vague morning hours.
        • Feels like it would be even better to implement Automatic Turn Off to prevent falling asleep with the lights on.
    • It was a week with many small tasks.
      • I feel like I managed to handle a good amount over the weekend.
    • Wondering if it was a good idea to run deep learning training alongside tasks.
      • Feeling scattered and tired.
      • Perhaps it would be better to focus on something like reading novels instead?
        • Having only one “thing to do” allows for a better balance of focus between the two tasks.
    • Writing an internship feedback article for Nota has been weighing heavily on my mind.
      • Mentally exhausting.
      • While using Deciding Not to Do It That Day somewhat alleviated the burden, when the deadline approached, it became unavoidable.
      • Yet, even on Sunday night, I couldn’t bring myself to start working on it.
      • What should I have done?
        • It seems beneficial to allocate time slots on the calendar for tasks of this nature (requiring energy to start).
        • Treat those time slots like a Zoom meeting, focusing solely on that task during that time.
          • And not trying to run deep learning training simultaneously, haha.
  • Guidelines for 20220420 (Dealing with a feeling of Capacity Over)