I like the opening line. It explains that it understands the place it will reach if it continues to develop in this direction, but it is still before that place. I like the opening music. Was this kind of music popular in this era, like in AKIRA or other SF works of this time? They call the core of consciousness a “ghost,” and I understand the meaning of “ghost in the shell.” Come to think of it, Professor Inami said something like that. The screens that appear in the escape scenes have cool SF UI. I like the fusion of 1990s and future elements in the buildings and cityscape. (Although the 1990s and the future are mixed, the world in 2020 is not like that.) “A gentle death.” Bluemo — Today at 10:49 PM Not only memories but also accessible information are part of oneself. Papaya~ Bluemo — Today at 10:59 PM “Do you not believe in your own ghost?” It’s a matter of whether you believe it or not. It seems like it would be good to have technology that allows you to talk to others without speaking, like the one with AirPods + the mouth movements that Mr. Koyomi Araragi did + the one that generates speech with your own voice. The interface is not the brain, but the human sensory organs. We still have a long way to go~ Bluemo — Today at 11:38 PM So this was a really important foreshadowing. I don’t dislike the ending. What’s with this end roll music? I wonder who made it. It was a really good work.