• I was able to improve my score to some extent on my Second attempt at TOEFL exam.
  • Possible reasons for the improvement:
    • I was conscious of presenting my English proficiency in a clear and understandable way.
      • Ten Awesome Tips for the Writing Section of the TOEFL® Test - TST Prep
        • Tip #3 – Paraphrase the passages. One of the grading criteria on the TOEFL is vocabulary, and you will earn zero points if you simply quote the material.

          • I aimed to have a rich vocabulary.
        • Tip #4 – Use lots of transitional words and phrases. They will help you develop your essay and connect your ideas.

          • I aimed to showcase my ability to use transitional words and phrases.
      • I also used various grammatical structures (sentence variety).
      • Rhetorical expressions and idiomatic expressions seemed effective as well.
    • I was conscious of using PEEL.
      • I often forget to include the Link part.
      • If the Link is clearly present, it would give the impression that I am using PEEL.
    • After doing one TOEFL Writing Practice, I checked for elements in the model answer that I didn’t have.
      • I only did this once, but I feel like it was quite helpful.

  • Integrated:

    • Aim to thoroughly understand the structure of the argument.
    • It seems better to write the Introduction later.
      • Instead of spending time on the introductory sentence, it is better to focus on understanding the structure itself.
      • I think there will be a clear structure.
  • Do not write more than what is asked in the question.

    • If asked to summarize the Lecture, do not summarize the Reading.
    • Make the necessary parts more substantial.
  • Writing:

    • Write in an academic manner.
    • It is better to avoid repeating the same expressions.