End Term

  • It seems like I need to do some self-study, such as reviewing topics related to 7.5.

Office Hour

  • Things I want to ask:
    • Newton’s laws do not work when mass changes.
    • Kinetic energy during Galilean transformation.

Practice Final

  • Pay attention to the limit of integrating logarithms.
  • Understand how harmonic motion can be obtained using F=-dU/dx and Taylor expansion.
  • Note that dm/dt is a rate, while Δm is not.
  • Even if it says “momentum of inertia,” it may be negligible.

Pset 10

  • q2: It is important to understand why both frames are internal frames when velocity is constant.

    • There is an external force, but since it is a Galilean transformation in the ground frame, there is no problem.
    • In this case, the change in ΔK depends on the change in distance and work done, so the root cause is that an external force arises in the car frame.
    • Also, why is d an inertial frame?
    • In this case, there is no external force, so considering the center of mass makes it an inertial frame.
    • In this case, the change in ΔK is the same regardless of the frame, so it makes sense.
  • q3: When p=p0, it is important to note that the mass dividing expression can be replaced with an area dividing expression.

    • Since p0 is in both the numerator and denominator of the integral, it can be taken out as a constant and canceled.
    • Forgetting this could lead to confusion during the exam.
  • q4: This is a very educational problem.

    • Case 1:
      • Here, we only consider acceleration without considering force.
      • Force can be imagined as acting in various directions to match the acceleration.
      • In this case, the velocity change = acceleration only has an r hat direction.
      • Therefore, angular momentum can be considered conserved, which is equivalent to angular velocity being conserved.
    • Case 2:
      • No, I still don’t understand.
      • Only radial acceleration = only radial force = 0 torque = radial momentum conserved is incorrect.
      • The acceleration in polar coordinates is complicated.

Midterm 2

  • Gravitational acceleration:
    • The mass cancels out, so it does not depend on mass.
  • Electrostatic acceleration:
    • The mass does not cancel out, so it depends on both mass and charge.

Pset 6

  • There are many good problems, so I should seek revenge.
    • q4: In polar coordinates, the r projection of acceleration and r dot dot do not match.
    • q5: The dot Θ does not become speed.
    • These are dangerous.

Pset 7

  • Insight: If the velocity and the direction of the vector are different, it will not be added to the energy.
  • I want to understand this intuitively.

Pset 8

  • ω = v/R
  • I want to understand this relationship correctly. It’s W=ΔK, not W=K.


  • Read the lecture notes.
  • Solve the mock exam.
  • Memorize polar acceleration.
  • Remember √g/l, etc.
  • Think about the part on line integrals that I don’t understand.
  • Why does force conserve even if it’s not F(x)?

Midterm 1


  • Review the Physics 1600 Review Plan and aim to understand various equation transformations and their results so that I can explain them without looking at anything.
  • Things I want to be able to explain on my own:
    • Positive and negative aspects of Simple Harmonic Motion.
    • Derivation of velocity and acceleration in Cartesian and polar coordinates.
  • Solve past exams.
  • Review past problem sets.
  • October 12th:
    • -1100 Study Polar Coordinates.
    • -1200 Review other topics.
    • Do laundry.
    • Review problem sets and solve them again if necessary.
  • If there is time:
    • Read the discussion on 4.1.6.
  • A tip I realized:
    • It’s obvious, but it’s important to visualize graphs and check dimensions.
    • It helps me catch mistakes.