Before: About Myself 2021 After: About Myself 2024


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Introducing myself in 2 lines:

  • I enjoy contemplating abstract ideas and creating things, currently studying Computer Science and Philosophy at Columbia University.
  • I am interested in the computer as an interface (HCI) and experiences related to Virtual Time.

Introducing myself in 4 lines:

  • I enjoy contemplating abstract ideas and coding to create things.
  • I am majoring in Information Science and minoring in Philosophy at Columbia University in NYC, USA.
  • I am interested in the computer as an interface (HCI) and experiences related to Virtual Time.
  • I like The Mist of the World, SF, and Scrapbox.

Introducing myself in 16 lines:

  • I enjoy contemplating abstract ideas and coding to create things.
    • Majoring in Computer Science and minoring in Philosophy at Columbia University in NYC, USA.
    • Interested in the interaction between humans and computers as interfaces and how they interact with each other.
      • This is similar to Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), but with some differences.
    • Specifically, I am interested in communication when sharing the subjective experience of time ≈ Virtual Time.
    • Previously, I developed an online teaching platform called /kineto based on this concept (iOS/Mac). (Untrodden 2020)
      • image image
    • Recently, I have been implementing an environment for asynchronous voice communication based on the same concept.
  • 💭 Values
    • I aspire to “Living in a Way that Clears the Fog of the World”.
    • Regarding my life, I think of it as “That’s Also Life” and believe in affirming the current situation and aiming for gradual progress.
    • I have a belief in technological progress and optimism for the future, which I consider akin to faith.
  • 💓 Likes
    • I enjoy using the GPS life logging app The Mist of the World and recommend it to everyone.
    • I am a heavy user of Scrapbox (PKM) and enjoy exploring and experimenting with tools that can be used as an external brain.

Introducing myself in 256 lines:

(Still rough, will refine later)

  • Content to be added

👀 Interests

💓 Likes

💭 Values

💪 Creations and Ideas

Other Things I’ve Done and People/Organizations I’ve Been Grateful to

  • Mainly involving elementary and middle school students:
    • Scratch
    • CoderDojo
      • Participated in CoderDojo Saitama (Omiya) from around 5th grade to 7th grade.
    • LEGO Mindstorm EV3
      • Attended Crefus for a bit during elementary school.
      • Participated in the First Lego League (FLL) robotics competition from 4th to 8th grade.
        • Spent a significant amount of time over 5 years.
        • Learned a lot and had fun.
    • Trumpet
      • Played the trumpet from 5th to 9th grade during music classes.
    • Minecraft plugin development @man10 Server
      • Got hooked on a Minecraft server and spent a lot of time from 8th grade to 10th grade.
      • Started creating plugins for betting activities like a bookmaker.
      • Found it interesting how the server realistically simulated modern economic systems in the game environment.
    • Sun Yat-sen Foundation for Education and Culture, 1st generation
    • Caiva
      • Developed an iOS app for memorizing vocabulary through audio during 9th grade.
      • Lost motivation after completion due to various reasons like the dominance of Quizlet.
        • Reflecting that delving deeper might have been more interesting given the current trend in audio-based learning.
    • Kayac work experience
    • TigerMov
    • Tobitate! Study Abroad JAPAN, 5th term
    • Exploratory/Exploratory Jr. 2019 (Not adopted)
    • Globe
      • Created a 10-minute film on technology and effort for a school project.
    • WSC2019
    • Career Koshien 2019

🏆 Achievements, etc.

(For more details, see My Achievements)

U-22 Programming Contest 2015, METI Commerce and Information Policy Bureau Chief Award / Cybozu Award (2015/10) U-22 Programming Contest 2016, METI Minister Award (2016/10) Certified as the 1st generation of the Sun Yat-sen Foundation for Education and Culture (2017/7) Ministry of Education Tobitate! Study Abroad JAPAN 5th term High School Course Pass (2019/4)- Admitted to the National Institute of Informatics “Master of Information Science” program (2020/3)

  • Outstanding Student Award (2021/4)
  • Selected for the Independent Administrative Institution Information-technology Promotion Agency Unexplored IT Human Resources Discovery and Development Project (2020/4)
  • Excellence Award at the 3rd National High School Information Science Research Contest held alongside the 83rd Information Processing Society of Japan National Conference (2021/3)
  • Information Processing Society of Japan Young Researcher Encouragement Award for the 2020 fiscal year (2021/4)
  • XR Creative Award Kid’sPlates Prize (2021/9)
  • Civictech Challenge Cup U-22 PLAID Prize and Grand Prize (2021)
  • 6th term scholar of the public interest incorporated foundation Yanai Masafoundation (2022)
  • Columbia University Egleston Scholar (2022)