• 4 vector (t,x,y,z)

    • Is the length of this vector an extension of the invariant length?
    • It seems that the length remains the same even when rotated or boosted.
  • invariant length

    • Why is this? Is it not ignoring the definition of dot product?
    • Oh, it’s in a non-Euclidean space.
  • Introducing operators

    • Let be the matrix of Lorentz transformations.
  • Covariant

    • Lorentz transformations are called covariant transformations because the length remains the same.
    • Are 4-vector length, 4-vector velocity, and 4-vector momentum covariant?
  • 4-vector

    • Length

    • Velocity

      • What does it mean to “transform covariantly between inertial frames”?
      • It’s saying that if we just do dx/dt normally, the denominator dt would change depending on the frame, which is not right.
      • So we need a Lorentz-invariant definition of time.
      • Let γt = τ and make τ the proper time.
      • Proper time: measured in the rest frame.
      • Oh, is this what was mentioned in time dilation?
      • Since x, y, z are all 0, τ = γt, right?
      • I understand u.
      • One demonstration of the utility of the four-velocity is the fact that its components perpendicular to a boost – uy and uz for boosts in the x direction are invariant under the LT.

      • I don’t understand any of this.
      • So,
      • Of course, this is different from Newtonian.
    • Momentum

      • In special relativity, Newtonian momentum is not conserved, so we want to consider 4-vector momentum.
      • We can consider the momentum in the directions not boosted as invariant, such as .
      • [+ However, are not invariant like 4-vector momentum.]
      • That’s because if we consider the definition of βy = Δy/Δt, when Δt changes due to a boost, βy and βz also change.
      • If 4-vector momentum is conserved in one frame, it is conserved in all frames.
      • It is trivial because if 4-vector momentum is conserved, Δp = 0.
      • It is obvious from the fact that if all components are not 0 when performing LT, the result after the LT will not be 0.
      • Details on p. 408.
    • Energy

      • The t-component of the 4-vector momentum becomes energy.
      • That is, .
      • Let’s just think of it as that for now.
      • Relationship with non-relativistic energy:
      • Adding m to non-relativistic energy gives 4-vector energy (?).
    • Force

      • (Newton’s 2nd law) holds if we consider the proper SR momentum (3-vector momentum ).
      • (This momentum is called 3-vector momentum ), right?
      • dK/dt = Power = Fv.
    • ==p = (E, 3vec SR momentum) = m(γ, βγ)==

      • This relationship is important.
      • Using this, we can transform .
      • It’s a non-Euclidean invariant length, so be careful.
      • ==If we transform it, we can obtain E^2 = p^2 + m^2.==
      • I don’t really understand, but the units seem to match…?
      • Is it because of natural units?
      • If you understand this, you’re mostly good.
      • image
      • It summarizes what we have done so far.
    • Massless

      • As mentioned above, mass is the invariant length of momentum.
      • So, mass is invariant.
      • E=m is ultimately wrong.
      • If it is velocity-invariant, E=m is incorrect.
      • The correct one is E=mγ.
      • Some people call “mγ” velocity-variant mass, but that is a misunderstanding.
      • I’m not really grasping the discussion about wrong mass and real mass.
      • image
      • In the case of massless particles, the energy is equal to the momentum, E=|p|.
      • So there’s no problem.
      • At that time, β becomes 1, which matches with photons.
    • image

      • If I stare at this, I might understand.
      • If it’s in natural units, all the c’s cancel out.
    • Although 4-vectors are all covariant, they are not invariant.

      • They change when LT is applied.- (Since we are using proper time, the component perpendicular to the boost remains unchanged)
  • By saying covariant, does it mean that if we boost in the x-direction, the y and z components remain invariant?

  • And can we transform them using the same calculations as Lorentz transformations? (blu3mo)(blu3mo)

  • Very important: the results for the velocity of the center of mass (COM) and velocities of particles relative to the COM that we obtained previously no longer apply in special relativity (SR).