Atelier Basi

  • It’s great to have people aiming for the same goal of applying to universities in the United States.

    • As I expected when I applied, it’s nice to have people from various fields.
      • It’s interesting.
    • In addition, there is a sense of camaraderie among the members.
      • Actually, I didn’t have high expectations for this when I applied.
        • I didn’t think I was that mentally weak and believed I could do it alone.
      • But in reality, it was tough to do it alone.
        • Especially when the school was in a party mood.
  • It’s great to be able to throw out random questions or doubts.

    • You can throw them in the question channel.
    • Since you interact frequently with mentors, you can ask questions in a casual manner like, “Oh, by the way…”
  • It’s mentally helpful to receive opinions from experienced people about exam strategies, essay content, and research topics.

    • When I have about 75% confidence in what I thought and researched, getting affirmation (or denial) raises it to about 95%.
      • I thought this sense of reassurance contributes to the mental stability during the exam process.
  • It’s great that even if you’re passive, you still receive information about overseas universities.

    • Through casual conversations, you can grasp the characteristics of each university.
    • (However, it doesn’t mean being passive is good.)
    • Addition: This was helpful during the early stages of researching US universities.
  • When writing essays,

    • It’s extremely helpful to receive feedback, and I’m really grateful for it.
    • In addition, it’s great to have the essay affirmed (or denied).
      • If it’s only based on my own evaluation, I feel very anxious, so having stable external evaluations brings peace of mind.
        • It’s like having a compass to guide you on your journey.
        • It’s the same as the [61d1b47c79e1130000c79d34] mentioned in “What I’m glad about joining Atelier Basi.”
      • It creates a feedback loop (?).
  • Thoughts on the establishment of Atelier Basi | Bashi Hiyo ☀️

    • I didn’t consciously think about these points since I didn’t receive guidance from Route H, but reading this made me realize once again that joining Basi was a good decision.
    • I can’t say anything about other cram schools since I didn’t have experience with them, but with Basi’s support, I was able to write an essay that was true to myself, and I truly believe that.
      • Looking back on my entrance exam days, I never encountered an environment where I could truly grow. When applying to American universities, I was often told to distort the facts and create a story that would move the hearts of admissions officers at prestigious schools. It was difficult to hold onto my own values amidst everyone else’s conformity. Additionally, the essays were handed over to editors I didn’t know through the cram school, and some of my experiences were denied as “fake” or “suspicious,” while well-written essays were judged as “probably copied from the internet.” It’s easy to imagine that misunderstandings like this would arise when someone unknown reads such an important essay. As a high school student, I couldn’t speak up about it.

        • I never experienced anything like this (blu3mo).
      • To provide tools for self-expression so that students can express themselves without lying, and to improve their expressive abilities. Moreover, it is a place where students who have been consumed by the idea of being “excellent” can focus on themselves.

        • I think this is what it was (blu3mo).
  • Related: What I Wanted More from Basi