• Know-how of presentation/slide creation

  • Use Scrapbox Presentation Mode when the main focus is on conveying information or reporting.

  • For cases where a more polished appearance is needed, consider using Keynote.

  • The know-how for the latter case is written here.

    • Take notes on things you liked while watching other people’s presentations.
  • Add stamps:

    • Use stamps of characters expressing surprise next to surprising content.
  • Write down arrows or other symbols by hand to highlight certain parts.

    • image
  • Create presentations in a way that makes viewers think, “Oh, is that so?” (_anohito seems to have felt that way) (Or maybe not)

    • (Avoid making it unnecessarily complicated)
    • I thought about the mindset that should be consciously adopted.
    • But I also think it’s important to balance making it look impressive.
  • Writing page numbers is useful for questions later on.

    • In academic circles, it seems to be considered essential as it is often pointed out by a certain type of people.


Example of a somewhat professional way of speaking: Start by stating the results (numbers) first.

  • It’s the same in argumentative essays to present the results first (takker).
    • Theme → Conclusion → Basis/Explanation (→ Counterargument and rebuttal) → Restating the conclusion (→ Future tasks)
    • A classic pattern for conveying information to others.

There are n elements. The first one is… The vertical axis of this graph is… and the horizontal axis is…

  • At the end of the slides, include Twitter accounts or related links.
    • Even if shown at the beginning, the audience might not have time to explore, but at the end, they can calmly check, which seems beneficial.
    • If they found the talk interesting, they might think of checking Twitter afterwards.

@hisashi_is: Complicated research presentations. No matter how hard you try to explain, everyone quickly gets lost and stops following. It’s crucial to guide the audience through the “story” of the talk as carefully as guiding them through a maze. Here’s a summary of “9 tips for research presentations.” #Research Strategy image