Things I Want to Do (blu3mo)

  • Goals

    • I want to allocate time for my Second Area
      • I want to have time to read science fiction books, watch movies, and work on projects
      • I feel like I don’t have enough free time outside of university, so I want to divide my time effectively and make sure I have enough time for my second area
        • It’s not that I don’t have time, it’s just that I haven’t allocated it properly
    • I want to submit assignments ahead of the deadline
  • How I Use My Time

  • Available Time

    • Weekdays
      • Gaps between classes
        • This was not a thing in high school, so I’m not sure how to handle it
        • I’ll probably use this time for administrative tasks or anything that can be done anywhere, like reading books
      • Evenings (after the sixth period on Mondays, starting from 20:30)
    • Weekends
      • Google Calendar Full Registration Todo Management
      • I’ll allocate two slots for assignments/preparation/review by default
      • If I stay in my room without changing my environment, I easily lose focus, so I want to find a place outdoors or somewhere else as much as possible
  • Ultimately, it’s about Google Calendar Full Registration Todo Management

    • I get tired and can’t continue when things get complicated
    • Once I decide, I don’t have to think about what I should do next, which is convenient (blu3mo)
  • What Should I Do?

    • My Work Management
    • One thing I want to do is Automatic Turn Off
      • By making it a definite decision to go to bed at 24:00, I can plan my life backwards from there
      • I want to hear reviews about this (tkgshn)