• I often feel frustrated because I want to relativize various technical values within myself and know the names associated with them (such as technological optimism).

@blu3mo: When discussing the pros and cons of technology, it’s frustrating that the discussion often only considers the technologies currently available (but it’s also difficult to discuss what kind of technologies could exist here, as it might be off-topic). @blu3mo: Specifically, in the debate between typing and handwriting, I want to say, “What if there were keyboards that provide the same tactile sensation as handwriting?” But I guess that’s not the main point.

  • I find it frustrating to discuss the pros and cons of existing technologies like “typing” and “handwriting”.
    • I want to break down the merits of handwriting and typing and discuss whether there is an input method that can combine the advantages of both.
      • However, such a method doesn’t currently exist, at least not in the present.