How to Create a Backup

  • Select each file in the top-level directory in Google Drive and press Download.

  • Trying to do it all at once often leads to failure.

  • Do it one by one.

  • It seems that all the Docs files become .docx (MS Office) files.

Initial Backup: 20200729

  • Some videos are too heavy, making downloading difficult.
    • Videos like the “Career Koshien.”
  • Since most of them are owned by others, create aliases (shortcuts) to them in the same location, then delete the original files to maintain their existence while allowing access. This is not recorded in the backup.
    • When graduating, it might be necessary to properly keep those files as well.
    • I wonder how I should do it. Should I use the API to save them properly again?


  • I recently found that I forgot to save various data in my personal Google Drive.
    • I decided to put all past items in Projects/Past Projects.
    • By doing so, when backing up the entire Google Drive, they will be automatically backed up as well.