
  • HyperNeRF: A Higher-Dimensional Representation for Topologically Varying Neural Radiance Fields

  • (Park et al., 2021)

  • SIGGRAPH Asia Technical Papers

✨ What HyperNeRF Can Do

🎥 What is “NeRF” in the first place?

  • Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis

  • (Mildenhall et al., 2020)

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=92&v=JuH79E8rdKc&feature=emb_logo
    • Goal: Generate images from new viewpoints using multiple images from different viewpoints
    • Previous approach before NeRF:
      • Train a neural network to output images
      • ❎ Lack consistency in generating images from different viewpoints
    • NeRF:
      • Train a neural network to output colors and densities (opacity) of arbitrary spatial coordinates instead of images
        • Training data: Images from different viewpoints
        • Inputs: Coordinates x, y, z, viewing angles θ, φ
        • Outputs: Colors R, G, B, density (opacity) σ
        • image
      • Radiance Field: Collection of “colors and densities”
        • Approximate the collection of “colors and densities” with a neural network
        • -> Neural Radiance Field
        • -> NeRF
    • Q. How are images generated from “colors and densities”?
      • A. Simulate the movement of light entering the viewpoint (volume rendering)
        • Accumulate the colors of each coordinate along the path of light
        • Attenuate the light when it passes through areas with high density (opacity)
      • image

📕 After NeRF - image - image

⭐️ HyperNeRF

🔬 Evaluation

  • Task 1: Generate images from new viewpoints (unknown coordinates x, y, z, viewing angles θ, φ)
  • Task 2: Generate images of new shapes (unknown higher-dimensional coordinates W1, W2)

📖 Summary

  • Generate new images with different perspectives and shapes based on videos with changing perspectives and shapes.

  • What’s impressive?

    • It can render the images beautifully even when the shapes change in the video.
    • It can render the images without any issues even when the topology of the shape changes.
  • References

    • Deep Learning JP. DL Study Group Data2vec: A General Framework for Self-Supervised Learning In…. 4 Feb. 2022, www.slideshare.net/DeepLearningJP2016/dldata2vec-a-general-framework-for-selfsupervised-learning-in-speech-vision-and-language-251106954?next_slideshow=251106954. Accessed 13 Feb. 2022.
    • Mildenhall, Ben, et al. “Representing Scenes as Neural Radiance Fields for View Synthesis.” Communications of the ACM, vol. 65, no. 1, Jan. 2022, pp. 99–106, 10.1145/3503250. Accessed 13 Feb. 2022.
    • Park, Keunhong, et al. “HyperNeRF: A Higher-Dimensional Representation for Topologically Varying Neural Radiance Fields.” ACM Transactions on Graphics, vol. 40, no. 6, Dec. 2021, pp. 1–12, 10.1145/3478513.3480487. Accessed 13 Feb. 2022.
    • Yamauchi. “Neural Representation of 3D Space and NeRF.” ALBERT Official Blog, 8 May 2020, blog.albert2005.co.jp/2020/05/08/nerf/. Accessed 13 Feb. 2022.