• Mark Weiser

  • Like magic, the principle of making technology unconscious to people (unconsciousness)

  • Integrating computers into human environments and eliminating consciousness towards computers

  • Making it less noticeable, like the air

  • This is already happening

    • Whether posting on Facebook with a smartphone or a computer is not consciously considered
      • Consciousness towards the device is fading
    • Not caring whether news is learned from television or newspapers
      • Consciousness towards the information transmission channel is fading
  • The world that Calm Technology and Ubiquitous Technology aim for

    • Computers absorbing complex and cumbersome tasks of all actions
    • And those computers are not consciously perceived
      • What humans perceive is the essence of those actions
      • Isn’t this the essence of affordance? (#DesignForWhom)
    • Examples of actions: drawing pictures, communicating, moving objects, etc.
  • It’s not about going back and forth between the real world and the digital world, but about the two being interconnected

    • It’s not about creating a bookstore on the internet

#century of Magic