from Introduction to Modern Thought Deleuze

  • x_Deleuze
  • Deconstruction of existence
    • Deconstruction of the relationship between a certain existence and everything else?
  • Quasi-stable state = provisional fixed state
    • Seeing everything as a process of generating change
    • Is it the same discussion as “being” and “doing”?
      • Deleuze focuses on “doing”
    • It feels like deconstructing the concept of “fixed existence”
    • Also, the world itself, which continues to break down structures through deconstruction as Derrida says, can be said to be in a quasi-stable state (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)
  • Critique of psychoanalysis/self-help books p70
    • Psychoanalysis/self-help books tend to solidify the model of “how one should be”
    • Deleuze is criticizing that
      • I didn’t understand what he is criticizing
  • Discussion of relationships
    • As a premise, a rhizome-like worldview
    • Based on that, it is important to balance while detaching without completely severing connections
      • I feel like, “so what?”
      • I want to ask others what they think will come out of this (blu3mo)
    • Oh, but maybe this is something that could be done in virtual time (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)
      • From an engineering perspective, it becomes a discussion about the value of technology that can adjust that balance (blu3mo)(blu3mo)(blu3mo)