The paper provides a brief overview of a study that examines the potential use of eye blinks for subtle redirection in virtual reality (VR) environments. Unlike previous research focused on redirection during walking, this study explores redirection during blinking.

One positive aspect is the derivation of a model of change blindness from experimental data to establish a threshold, enhancing the practical application of their results. However, a drawback is the potential oversight of individual variations in blink rates and styles among users. It would have been beneficial if the study included data on natural blink frequencies and the permissible amount of redirection per minute.

To improve, the researchers could have investigated combining this blink-based technique with other VR navigation methods, such as traditional redirection or controller joystick locomotion.

Moving forward, an interesting avenue for exploration could involve creating artificial blinks (like instant black screens) to test user tolerance for redirection during these fake blinks. Understanding user acceptance could open up possibilities for increased redirection frequency. Additionally, assessing the effectiveness of the technique in various VR applications, such as gaming or training scenarios, would be valuable for further research.