• Tool to gather opinions and map them in two dimensions.
    • It’s great that it allows organizing the points of contention (= issues).


  • It’s interesting that it achieves a two-dimensional map based solely on voting results, without interpreting the meaning using natural language processing.

    • “The machine learning 👾 Algorithms run are solely run on the polis opinion matrix of agrees, disagrees and passes by participants on comments. Thus, Polis is language agnostic.”

    • I like this kind of approach that doesn’t heavily rely on deep learning.
  • When n people vote for each opinion, each opinion is associated with an n-dimensional value.

    • By compressing it into two dimensions, a map can be created.
    • Genius idea (blu3mo).
  • Then, it’s possible to do clustering or classification using k-nearest neighbors.

    • Looking back now, this might be a genius idea indeed (tkgshn).
    • Would it be easier for users if this UI is adopted for the Human Oracle?
  • I felt a sense of (masui)-ness(?).

    • How can this be paraphrased?
  • By combining this with Quadratic Voting, it can even lead to decision-making.

    • That’s what RxC Voice is trying to accomplish.