• When something bad happens, my mother often says,

    • Even if it seems bad at the time, it will eventually lead to something good, so don’t worry.
  • Example from the past: I didn’t make it to the finals of the Career Tournament, but thanks to that, I had more free time to explore new things.

  • I think my mother is saying this based on a belief in “fate” or something similar.

    • However, the content of what she says is important.
    • Personally, I interpret it as “the goodness or badness of an event is subjective, so it’s better to interpret it in a positive way for happiness.”
      • It’s exactly like reframing, right? (takker)
      • +100 (kota-yata)
  • This seems important for college applications in the US as well.

    • The goodness or badness of an event depends on our interpretation and subsequent actions.
    • It’s like having a mindset of “do what you can and then leave the rest to fate.”
  • Is this related? Balance Sheet of Success and Failure | Takaya Shinozuka | note (tkgshn)

    • It suggests that there are benefits to believing in the interpretation of success/failure experiences through this framework (blu3mo)
      • Maybe they are doing something similar in that sense.
  • It’s like the story of The Old Man and His Horse.

    • I didn’t fully understand the meaning before.
  • This is also a form of Fate Love.

    • It may seem like the opposite of nihilism, as it works towards affirming life.