86 Cognitive Extension Expands Human and World Perspectives - Interview with VR Researcher Takushi Narumi | Magazine “Advertising”

  • by narumin
  • The world is a complex of parallel realities.

  • ── Finally, as technologies for cognitive extension and cognitive bias control develop, how do people perceive the world and what kind of behaviors and lifestyles emerge?

    • Narumi: I believe that “reality” and “real” are different things. Everyone thinks that “there is only one reality,” but in reality, each person creates their own version of a situation in their own mind. That’s why we have situations where “even though we are looking at the same thing, our interpretations are completely different.”

    • In other words, I think that the “world” is nothing more than a complex of parallel realities. The worldview that “there is always only one truth” is based on physical rules, and judgments based on conforming to those rules are considered correct. However, there are no physical rules in the virtual world. When a world where we cannot determine whether “the person was really laughing during that online meeting on that day and time” arrives, the recognition of “well, but we were both laughing, right?” becomes a separate “reality” from each individual’s “truth.” I think it’s about how we confront this.

    • But in reality, I think it has already become like that. For example, “money” has been detached from the value of “gold” that originally existed and its value now circulates virtually through currency and paper money. Now, it is being replaced by virtual currencies and digital payments. In the same way, when the “physical basis” that we believe in arbitrarily is detached from reality and becomes “there is actually no such thing” and “every reality, each and every one of them, is true,” how do we deal with that “reality”? I think it’s important to be more aware that each individual is “creating the reality they want to see.” And how can we make it acceptable for everyone to say “it’s okay”? I think it’s a very interesting theme.

    • Oh, by the way, I want to talk about something similar to Subjective Perception of Reality as well (blu3mo)(blu3mo)