• After proofreading, the image became smaller and the page count on the title page was incorrect, resulting in a decrease in the number of pages.

  • Therefore, I will add additional content.

  • Adding more examples of classroom activities.

    • Also include reflections.
      • Kineto Meiji FMS User Test
        • Additionally, we received the following negative feedback:
        • “There is no eraser function, making it difficult to erase easily.”
        • “Sticky notes suddenly appear, and until you get used to it, it can be confusing when someone else suddenly writes on them.”
        • We did not feel the importance of the eraser function at the time of the class implementation, so it was not implemented. However, based on the feedback, we realized that the lack of an eraser function was raising the psychological barrier to writing, so we prioritized its implementation.
  • Expanding on the topic.

    • Drawing timelines and diagrams.
    • Adding photos from Scrapbox.
  • Application to other fields

    • I have more things to talk about, so I will write about them.
    • #exploration of virtual time
    • Summarizing the discussion on Virtual Time
    • Reversal and changes in speed on the timeline
    • Also, the timelines of these elements