• Do we have data for difficult problems?
    • It seems good to use them.

Solved Paper 1 IB past paper IBPhysicsP1

  • Thoughts

    • Looking at the content, pulling out the formulas, and narrowing down to the correct ones seems to be the flow of solving the problems.
      • If you can have intuition without even looking at the formulas, it will save time.
      • I want to increase the areas where I can do this.
        • For example, I still have a vague memory of the slit diffraction part, so I have to look at the formulas every time.
    • I was surprised a few times by problems of that type?!
      • Q. which of these caused a paradigm shift?
      • Q. Estimate the momentum of a falling boy (you have to estimate that the boy’s weight is about 50kg)
  • Solved ones (✅ means reviewed)

    • M16

      • 25/28, not bad
      • I haven’t solved the problems in the unit that I’m not good at yet, so I want to solve them later.
    • N16

    • M17TZ1

      • 31/35, well done
      • The time allocation was perfect.
        • I might want a little more time for review?
        • However, there were no careless mistakes this time, so it might not be necessary.
          • (There are some that I might have been able to solve if I had thought a little more)
    • M17TZ2

      • I still don’t know 33.
    • N17

    • M18TZ1

      • 34/37
      • I don’t know 33, EM induction.
      • I also don’t know 35.
    • M18TZ2

      • Around 29/37
    • N18

      • 31/37
    • M19TZ1

      • 31/40
  • The accuracy rate is better in the first half, why?