• If you graduate from an undergraduate program, you have an advantage over those with a master’s degree because you can be hired based on your potential (overseas).
  • I have received many questions along the lines of “I’m unsure whether to go to the University of Tokyo for my undergraduate studies or go directly abroad for my master’s degree.” If you graduate from an undergraduate program, I believe it is advantageous to apply from there if you have research experience because you can be hired based on your potential. However, there are also many people who pursue their master’s degree before studying abroad.
  • I have also received various questions regarding university entrance exams, but it is difficult for me to claim that I was exceptional in my own university entrance exams (I failed the first round). I am unsure how to respond. In general, I believe that regardless of which university you attend, if you can achieve research results there, you have a good chance of getting into a top school.