• The human species became capable of change and evolution through the Cognitive Revolution, even without changes in their genes.
    • This ability is unique to humans and not found in other animals, including primates.

    • Effect: This allowed humans to rapidly adapt to new environments and spread across the Earth.

    • Effect: It gave rise to the concept of “thought,” allowing individuals to become fascists, communists, or any other ideology after birth.

    • Effect: It led to the development of language, enabling large groups of people to cooperate by believing in fictions such as myths and laws.

      • This is something that is normally impossible for organisms, with the Dunbar’s number being the limit.
    • It’s like being able to change the software without changing the hardware, right?

      • It would be interesting to compare the evolution of computers with the evolution of humans.
      • Something like a Digital Nature.

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind