#pkineto#user Test

  • Lesson created by Professor Takamatsu


  • It was good to be able to see other people’s posts.
  • It was easy to write because it was anonymous. Since this time the content was sensitive, I felt that the barrier to posting was low. Negative
  • I didn’t want to see the process of writing, or I didn’t want people to see mine. My writing is not well-organized, and my thoughts are not coherent. I thought that people would be confused because I changed my entire article or my thoughts were not clear.
  • The sticky notes were small and hard to read, and they disappeared after a certain amount of time, so I didn’t like that they disappeared while I was reading them.

There is only positive feedback. I felt like I was sharing the time when there was no class. Even when I rewound the time, I felt like I was sharing, so I thought it was really good. 3. Others

  • (I guess it can’t be helped this time, but I thought that this kind of content requires a two-way discussion where you can communicate properly. So I thought it was okay for the people I was doing it with because it was anonymous, but if Akarin or Aoyama were reading the content, I would have felt a little uncomfortable.)
  • There were various troubles, but I feel like it’s just a lack of implementation details.
  • I feel like there are enough examples to prove the value.

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