Related Research

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  • [Shared note-taking: a smartphone-based approach to increased student engagement in lectures]

  • [Constructing an Emergent Learning Area through Support for Learner-to-Learner Dialogue]

  • Notes, which are originally for personal use, are shared with others.

  • By overlapping video and other people’s notes, “other people’s thoughts” also become part of the “lecture.”

    • It is possible to have a dialogue with those “other people’s thoughts.”

    • This article seems useful for conveying one’s thoughts.
    • In this article, writing on a textbook instead of a blackboard is discussed, and it made me question if my approach is non-essential.
      • Can we say that there is more value in the way the article suggests to write?
      • Well, maybe that’s not necessarily true.
  • I want to write down more specific use cases.

    • In [Theory of Knowledge], break down an essay title on the screen.
    • In [IB Japanese], write a quick analysis of a text.
    • In [Mathematics], write down a question about a particular equation transformation.
    • In [Chemistry], write and share supplementary information obtained during pre-study.
  • Audrey Tang’s phrase “bookmark of time” mentioned on [ochyai]‘s show is interesting.

    • It can be used for parts that you want to remember in the video!

  • Yesterday, I took an online class for the first time, and I realized that I absolutely need three monitors: one for watching the video, one for the chat, and one for doing my work and taking notes.

    • Kineto combines these three into one.
    • (Reminds me of the iPhone announcement event haha)
    • (blu3mo) I was a little surprised because I didn’t have the perspective that consolidation has value. #pKineto#videonotes#notes