What adds leverage to the enjoyment/happiness of the experiences in life?

  • It would be great to find something that, by simply adding one simple element, can bring about a change in the overall experience of life and increase its enjoyment.

    • (Different from things like money or the number of friends, where enjoyment increases gradually as the numbers increase)
  • Things I think are like that:

    • The Mist of the World
      • This is it.
      • It’s an example of what I want to say on this page, where actions are transformed and become enjoyable through a simple mechanism.
    • Scrapbox
    • Camera hobby, I feel like that.
      • It seems like it would be enjoyable to have an increased perspective on the everyday world.
        • A sense of having one more interesting eye/perspective?
    • In the same vein, Haiku seems to have the same kind of enjoyment.
      • Just like having a camera makes you want to search for subjects, doing haiku makes everyday life become a search for subjects. I always explain it like that. (rickshinmi)
  • Cultivation? (tkgshn)

    • aka Language?
      • Certainly. (blu3mo)
    • In the end, the camera is also a part of the perspective. It can capture that moment because there is a context of past experiences that the self has gone through, allowing a part to be captured.
    • It’s sad to see camera enthusiasts with expensive Sony cameras taking mundane photos.
  • It’s fun to weave contexts together.

    • Trying out various things and finding commonalities.

    • Structuralism

      • I really felt that from taste.
    • It’s impossible to draw a linear line, right?

      • It has to be done with exponential functions.
      • In that sense, having multiple hobbies might be the best way to live.