• User Testing#pkineto

  • We initially recruited people at school who have an Apple Pencil.

    • It looks like about 15 people will participate.
  • We might distribute it through Firebase App Distribution.

    • It seems easier than Testflight (needs further consideration).
  • For class videos, I’m thinking of using something like “try it!“.

    • It might be problematic in terms of copyright.
  • I also thought about using TED videos,

  • but I’ll ask the school teachers if I can use their past videos.

    • Japanese Language: Mr. Sakamoto
    • Permission obtained
  • Step 1

    • Test the experience of writing on class videos.
  • Step 2

    • Share the writing synchronously.
  • Thoughts on the test

    • I thought it would be better to have face-to-face tests or connect via Zoom so that support can be provided immediately.
  • Thoughts on Kineto

    • Doesn’t handwriting take a lot of time?

      • If you write for 5 seconds, it disappears right after you finish writing.
      • Mr. Yutsumi’s system didn’t have much real-time interaction, so it worked?
      • Maybe we can utilize Kineto’s asynchronicity here.
    • If you add a few characters or add brackets later, only the brackets remain after some time, which looks weird.

      • In fact, it might not even be possible with a short time span.
    • I want to recognize a complete set of writings.

      • The format of GoodNotes’ laser pointer seems good.
    • I observed cases where the writing overlapped with the slides.

    • I couldn’t observe communication between students.

    • I observed a situation where someone wrote something that was already seen, and then someone else wrote the same thing before the first person.

    • I observed asynchronous conversations like “I see” or “Indeed”.

      • I think it’s a natural place to write at the bottom right of the original message.
      • However, it could be problematic if they overlap.
    • I observed a chain of people writing “I see” after seeing someone else write it.

    • Unexpected: Doodles with speech bubbles inserted into illustrations.

      • It’s unclear if this is specific to the situation of having to write something during user testing.
      • You can’t do doodles with Kineto like you can with NicoNico.
    • When a long sentence is written, only 5-8 characters are displayed.

      • Like Reading Plus
        • = You can only read it if you’re consciously focusing on it.
        • It’s tough to do this during class.
      • This can be solved with the GoodNotes method.
    • The empty spaces where you want to write are mostly the same, so they tend to overlap.

      • Like the blank space in the upper right of the slide.
    • Overall

      • I noticed several differences from NicoNico.
        • It’s a problem if they overlap.
          • With others,
          • NicoNico flows, so there is no overlap with things from different times.
            • Ah, I see why it flows now.
            • I didn’t understand that much, the wisdom of our predecessors(?)
        • It shares not only time but also the location (coordinates).
          • Also, there is intention in the coordinates.
            • (Sorry for overlapping)
  • Things to ask later

    • Why were there fewer writings than expected?
      • Did the content require some creativity, or could they write naturally like “I should write this”?
    • Is it possible to write while watching the video?
    • Were you conscious of who wrote what?
      • I saw simple responses, but