Internship at Gap Term

  • Timing

    • Since the slots are filled after April, should I consider March or July-August?
  • I am a fan of Nota as a company, so I am hoping to intern there.

    • /villagepump/Nota’s job postings
    • ・(Setting aside the necessary skills) I have been thinking about interning at Nota for half a year during the Gap Term. (bluemountain)

    • ・However, based on past examples, it seems like they only offer internships with the assumption of future employment.

    •  ・Even without any precedent, it seems worth a try. (inajob)
    •  ・There is no such assumption. (Toshiyuki Masui)
    •    ・There have been cases where people interned and then got hired.
    • Oh, I see. (blu3mo)(blu3mo)
    • [/nota-techconf/Day3 Q&A and Chat Corner#604a036c84eb3a0000a35445]( 質問・雑談コーナー#604a036c84eb3a0000a35445)
    • Anyway, I don’t understand the benefit for a company to take in a new university student for just one month.
      • I can understand if it’s like soon-to-be job hunting, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.
        • Well, I will eventually be job hunting too, but it doesn’t seem to have immediate benefits as a recruitment activity.
      • I wonder if there are any benefits beyond just having additional labor.
    • Well, for now, I’ll try asking through DM.
      • It would be awkward if they say they haven’t been recruiting interns after we start talking.
      • @akiroom ?
  • Other places I’m interested in

    • Research labs
      • I wonder if there are internships available in research labs.
      • And even if there are, will I be able to get in?
    • meson
    • meta (not the Facebook one)
    • chocolate
      • I wonder if there are any available tasks to work on.