• I’m starting to feel unsure about whether the United States is really good with all the 2020 presidential election stuff going on, so I’m looking into other countries as well.

  • NUS and NTU are known for being strong in computer science and other related fields.

  • NUS

    • http://www.nus.edu.sg/oam/apply-to-nus/international-qualifications/admissions-requirements
      • image
      • So, it seems like using the IB exam would be good.
    • If you want early admission consideration, you can submit SAT scores, etc.
    • MTL (Mother Tongue Language)
      • It seems like I haven’t fulfilled this requirement.
        • Wait, does “not applicable” mean it’s not necessary?
      • Those who have not fulfilled the MTL requirement may still apply for admission with no prejudice to their application. However, if accepted, they will be required to fulfil the MTL requirement during their course of study.

        • It says “with no prejudice,” but I wonder if that’s really true… haha.
        • Maybe they mean you should be able to speak Chinese or Malay or something like that.
      • From what I saw at other universities, it seems like foreign students don’t need to worry about MTL?
      • (Needs confirmation, feeling unsure)
  • The tuition fees are generally high, so I’ll need a scholarship.

    • Unfortunately, the Yanai Foundation is only for the US and UK, so that’s not an option.
    • Maybe the Sun family or the Singapore government.
    • Alternatively, I could consider an exchange program.
  • Well, it doesn’t seem like it would require any special effort, so it might be worth a try. #Singapore